Baci al museo!

  “Baci Sospesi speciale Pioraco” l’installazione diffusa che a inizio agosto 2021 ho portato a Pioraco (MC), nella piazza antistante il Municipio, è adesso ospitata (in forma permanente e trasformata) all’interno del Polo museale cittadino. Per informazioni e visite contattate l’ufficio turistico di Pioraco al numero  0737 42715. Per altre info leggi qui.

“Dilatazioni di tempo e spazio” a new project

Seven words, seven sculptures, seven audio files with sounds, music and poems. “Dilatazioni di tempo e spazio” (“Expansions of time and space”) is my new art adventure (conceived for the “Festival del Tempo 2021” by Roberta Melasecca), in which I involved Eleonora Aleotti, poet and soprano singer, and Matteo Di Giamberardino, sound designer. Finding human/nature and […]

“Baci Sospesi” home edition

I have created “Baci Sospesi – home edition”, a number of little sculptures inspired by my BaciSospesi (Suspended Kisses) project. They are made in wood and aluminum and they come in 3 sizes, small (around 25 cm) medium (around 30 cm) and big (sound 35 cm. Measures can vary  since each piece is unique, hand […]

3D TANGO (slice of life)

I was playing around the idea of working on handmade paper, and I eventually did it. I decided to make my 3D idea live on four 2 dimensions slices. It’s a man and woman engaged in a passionate tango. I tell their story, their bodies, their emotions… through slicing up their movement. Only composing back […]