Solo and group shows
May 2002 – “Le Linee di dentro (The lines of whithin)” group show with Enzo Gravante, Coralba Libra, and Patrizia Ricchiuti. Location: Arte IN Association, Rome. Patronage of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.
September 2002 – “Dimmi, senza parlare” solo show. Location: Il pane e le Rose Art Space, Rome.
March 2003 – “Il segno e il Volume (The sign and the volume)”, group show with Pier Paolo Parogni and Mario Antonio Pelosi. Location: GARD, Rome.
December 2007 – January 4, 2008 – “Pasodoble” solo show . Location Eliseo Theatre, Rome. A video here.
January – February 2008 “Art and Eros” group show. Location: III Millennium Art Gallery, Venice.
December 2009 – “CLOSER, intimità di un’immagine (CLOSER, intimacy of an image)”, solo show. Location: Alexander Museum Palace Hotel, Pesaro (upon invitation from Count Alessandro-Ferruccio Marcucci Pinoli of Valfesina)
October 2010 – “30×30 = 900 / Works by MostrArti”, group show. Location: MostrArti, Rome.
April 2011 – “Women in the Arts” group show. Location Artrom Gallery (special guest Philippe Daverio).
September 2016 – “Legàmi (Bonds)”, group show. Location: the International Women’s House. Note: it was an exhibition conceived for blind and visually impaired artists and visitors. For the occasion, Sbrocca creates a work, titled “In ogni momento (At All Times)”, which also includes a braille sentence, drawn from a poem by the Psychiatrist Massimo Fagioli.
A picture here.
December 2017 – “..A (point point A)” solo show. Location: Casa della Cultura Villa De Sanctis, Rome.
September 2018 – “Per Appiam 2018” group show. Location: ex Cartiera Latina, Rome.
February 2019 – “INSIEME” group show, Location: Arvalia Center, Rome.
August 2019 – “Centrifugo – Centripeto” solo show. Location: La lampara, Passoscuro (Fiumicino).
February 2020 – “Centrifugo – Centripeto” Solo show, Location: Arteka32 art space, Ostia (Rome).
August 2020 – “Baci Sospesi” installation&podcast project inauguration. Location: Passoscuro (Fiumicino).
May 2021 – “Il cielo in una stanza”, group show in Passoscuro.
August 2021 – “Baci Sospesi” temporary site specific installation in Pioraco (MC) Italy.
Other art-related activities
In 2007 she publishes with D’Arco Edizioni a book entitled “Umano come me (Human like me)”, an anthology of works and poems, accompanied by a CD composed for her by Stefania Tallini (piano) and Gabriele Mirabassi (clarinet). The album, entitled “Pasodoble”, becomes the leitmotif of the show-event held at the Teatro Eliseo in Rome from December 2007 to January 2008. A video here.
At the inauguration on December 9, pianist and composer Stefania Tallini , in quartet with Gabriele Mirabassi, Nicola Angelucci and Gianluca Renzi, played PASODOBLE in concert.
On December 2007, composer Arturo Tallini and singer Marilena Paradisi present, within Sbrocca’s exhibition and exclusively for the artist, their concert-project “Intuendo. Trasformazioni per voce e chitarra. (Sensing, transformations for Voice and Guitar.”
From 2007 to 2012, Sbrocca works with Master Printer Antonio Sannino (Stamperia Nazionale Italiana Istituto centrale per la Grafica) and among other things she produces two limited editions prints of “Light” and “Pasodoble” in etching. For more information on Master Sannino (R.I.P.) see this number of Sofa on page 69.
In 2007, director and writer Massimo D’orzi makes a short docu-film titled “Improvvisando. Suono-segno-attesa-materia (Improvising” sound-sign-waiting-matter) ” about the genesis of Sbrocca’s work.
January 2009 – In the issue # 50 of “Inside Art” monthly Art magazine, in the section entitled “Word of the Artist” an article by Barbara Sbrocca is titled “Nudo d’autore”.
On issue # 7 of February 2009 of the quarterly Sofa, a long interview with the artist signed by Maurizio Zuccari.
Since 2013 she has a brand – Himbarossa – with which she signs jewelery in silver, murano glass beads (made by herself) and ebony.
Between March and May 2017, she works on Monica Palladino‘s first book, named “Ondeia. Racconti d’acqua e di pesca: le voci della Costa Viola“. Sbrocca took care of the title, the concept, the complete layout, and all the drawings.
In 2019, the book “A piedi nudi nell’arte, i murales di Passoscuro” is released by the Isola delle Correnti Association. Presented at the MACRO museum in via Nizza on October 9th, the book tells the genesis of the project that saw the creation of dozens and dozens of murals in the village of Passoscuro. Sbrocca is present in the catalog with 2 murals. After the publication of the book she painted a third one.
In October 2020, Sbrocca organized and curated an Event called “Il mare in discesa” with the paintings of Quinto Tozzi and the poems of Silvia Luminati. Held in Passoscuro, the event lasted 2 weeks.
In 2021 Sbrocca is working to bring Baci Sospesi elsewhere in Italy and abroad, and she is working on a theatrical piece based on her Baci Sospesi experience.
Since 2002 she also creates interior design works, furniture etc.
Over the years 2002-2014 she worked closely with jazz composers and pianists Enrico Pieranunzi and Stefania Tallini.
Enrico Pieranunzi has some Sbrocca’s works in his house and on the cover of three of his albums (Perugia suite, Trasnoche, Les Amants). Stefania Tallni has Sbrocca’s works in her house and on two of her albums (Dreams, Maresìa).
NOTE: all works (sculpture-paintings, jewelery, furniture, drawings on paper, soft-cut monoprints etc.) are unique pieces.