For as long as I can remember,
I always felt the need of touching every curious surface I could lay my eyes on.
At the same time, I have always been fascinated by sounds, voices, smells and human connection.
I rely very much on my senses, all seven of them,
to grasp the invisible reality and the truth of the world inside and around me.
This is why just one medium, is often not enough for me to express myself and be seen.
I want volumes and textures, sounds and silence, words and whispers, space and time
to open the door of my world and let the people in.
Short CV
Born in Campobasso in 1968 and based in Rome since 1976, I started my artistic path very young, but it was only in 2001, while living in Berkeley (CA), that I found my own voice as an artist and began my career. Former copywriter and creative director in advertising, I worked mainly on 3d art (many more ds actually) since then, keeping my job as a freelancer to bring people and companies creativity, positive living and the power of being here and now.
I currently live in Ostia (the seaside of Rome) Italy.
I explore the world of non-conscious images, mainly related to man-woman relationships and to the invisible dynamics that flow into human interactions. In my path, I have also worked with incredibly talented and worldwide-famous jazz musicians, exploring the deep connection between music and images (Enrico Pieranunzi, Stefania Tallini, Gabriele Mirabassi, Stefano Calderano).
My work has been exhibited in numerous national solo and group shows and has also been object of interest from prestigious Italian art magazines: Inside Art and Sofà.
Throughout my career, I explored several forms of expression, including: podcasting and writing, printmaking, jewelry creation (I established my own brand called Himbarossa) and interior designing (still active in this field).
I am the author of several publications. “Umano come me” (edited in 2007) is my first catalogue that includes a selection of paintings (2001-2007) and some of my poems.
In June 2020 sbrocca launched the “Baci Sospesi” (Suspended Kisses) international art project, a sculpture and audio-portraits concept about the human transformative moments that come from love and separations experiences.
The project foresees a number of site-specific installations, placed in public spaces (often nearby the water) and audio portraits based on conversations that Sbrocca has with people from all over the world, about their love/separations stories. The audio-portraits, are accessible from here.
The first “Baci Sospesi” installation is a wood+steel three meters tall piece, inaugurated on the 29th of August 2020 on the seafront of Passoscuro, a village North of Rome.
In August 2021 Baci Sospesi new sitespecific installation along the parks and streets of Pioraco (MC). Sbrocca receives the honorary citizenship from the Major of Pioraco. The installation is now part of the permanent collection in the local “Polo museale”. More info in the news pages.
2022 – new audio-portraits for Baci Sospesi are being published on a regular basis. A collaboration with Aahan Foundation brought Sbrocca in Jharkhand India, to work with some of the Aahan “Bravehearts” girls, on visual arts and creativity.
A new solo exhibition titled “All the soundless shouts” took place in the first week of December, in the very heart of Rome.
2023 brought new energy and joy, with new ideas, collaborations and projects, such as A VOCE ALTA, aloud reading for love, a laboratory where aloud reading is a vehicle of research on relationships and an enhancer of humanity.
In July, in an international project with artists from 5 different countries, meeting up in France for a two-weeks creative residence, funded by European Union, opened up a new era, and new partnerships started. Also… a new audiopainting called “Breathe“.
I took part in a live aloud-reading flashmob, reading Calvino in 3 languages on the Berlin’s “ring” in collaboration with KulturNest Berlin.
Last but not least, Blu Shabaka APS was born, a non profit organization meant to make art (and spread creative health) in collaboration with artists from all over the word.
2024 started with the commitment to bring my voice to the world, figurative and literally.
I started developing my aloud-reading method and training course.
Baci Sospesi has spread its wings internationally with its first workshop, in Leiria, Portugal. Stay tuned for more…